Change Momentum
Co-created strategy. Aligned action.
Change Momentum Lab
A fully customised Change Momentum Lab workshop to untangle your specific change challenge.
Bespoke content, agenda, and outcome
Efficient execution in 3 hours online or in-person
Motivating co-creation with an action focus
Outcome: a 1-page change plan
from $ 2,400
Change Momentum Review
Regular reviews to keep actions aligned with reality and responsive to changing circumstances.
Keep your 1-page change plan on track and relevant
Ruthless review for improvement and adaptation
Reinvigorate motivation and action focus
Outcome: drive action and mitigate change risks
3 quarterly reviews from $ 3,600
Change management coaching
Presentations, expositions, and fun stuff to build change management capability. I design short experiences for teams, colleagues, or leaders.
Let’s talk.
We’ll plan something together.
Outcome: an experience built just for you
from $2,000
“Louisa is a fabulous facilitator. She brings the right amount of energy and focus to unblock even the toughest room.”
— Justin Burke, Macquarie University